...to keep memories, to keep feelings...


Wednesday 22 December 2010

Free photo-sesson!

Free professional photo-session in Bearsden!

I need a model and red dress (not necessary)

Hurry up, offer valid until 24 Dec.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Golden time

A lot of air. A lot of light. A lot of laugh

Tasty toes

Thursday 18 November 2010


Little nut


Exhibition In Moscow


Hike from kayce bee on Vimeo.

Wonders in the basket! (part 2)

A year is gone. Now Alex is 15 mths. Hi is cute, curios and wonderful.

Wonders in the basket!

Time is running. It was  year ago.  Alex was just 4 months

The twins. Christening

Oh, they are so lovely!
And I so, so sorry I could  not capture during the ceremony. Padre did not allow that. It was beautiful and  touching

This is not a boy. This is Bis Bang. There is no way to keep his power inside!